Budget and Policy Division

The Budget and Policy Division aids the Governor in formulating and implementing state policy by coordinating with state agencies, the Legislature, and various constituents and stakeholder groups. Throughout the legislative session, the division analyzes each piece of legislation and makes recommendations to the Governor.

The division provides fiscal information and analysis in support of the Governor’s statutory role as the state’s Chief Budget Officer. It advises the Governor on the state’s fiscal condition, recommends fiscal policies to the Governor, and prepares the Governor’s state biennial budget and distributes it to the Legislature. Other budget activities include approving agency requests to enter into contracts with consultants and reviewing agency budgets and other submissions required by law. In conjunction with the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), the division coordinates the state agency strategic planning process, issues budget instructions to state agencies, and conducts hearings on agency budget requests.

The Governor and the LBB have budget execution authority to manage the state’s appropriations while the Legislature is not in session. Budget execution authority permits the state to reallocate existing appropriations for fiscal emergencies that occur between legislative sessions. Chapter 317, Texas Government Code, authorizes either the Governor or the LBB to propose budget execution actions. In this process, the Governor's Budget and Policy Division analyzes the identified budget emergency and may propose alternatives that include the transfer of appropriations from one state agency to another, the use of agency appropriations for another purpose, or a change in the timing of an agency appropriation. For an item to be approved, both the Governor and the LBB must approve the original or modified proposal.

Each agency is assigned a budget and policy advisor who is available to provide assistance to the agency.


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Governor’s Proposed State Budgets

State Agency Preparedness Report

Download 2024 State Agency Preparedness Report in PDF Format

American Rescue Plan Act - State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Recovery Plan Performance Reports

Download State of Texas 2023 Recovery Plan Performance Report (PDF)

Agency Cost Estimates for the 87th Legislative Session

Download Agency Cost Estimates for the 87th Legislative Session (Excel)

Operating Budget Instructions

Annual Report of Nonfinancial Data Instructions and Worksheet Templates*

Section 2101.0115 of the Texas Government Code requires state agencies to submit an Annual Report of Nonfinancial Data to the Governor by December 31 of every calendar year.* This report includes nonfinancial schedules previously included in the Annual Financial Report.

Instructions for completing and submitting the Annual Report of Nonfinancial Data are provided in the document below, titled “Nonfinancial Data Report Instructions.” In addition to the required hard copies, please submit an electronic copy of the report to the Office of the Governor, Division of Budget and Policy, via email at budgetandpolicyreports [at] gov.texas.gov.

At the time of initial submission, required agencies will be unable to complete Schedule D – Indirect Cost Schedule because the state’s federal cognizant agency will not have approved the most current Statewide Cost Allocation Plan (SWCAP). Please submit your agency’s Nonfinancial Report by the required due date and include a note stating that your agency will provide Schedule D once the SWCAP has been finally approved. We anticipate the SWCAP approval shortly after your agency submits the Nonfinancial Report. Please keep monitoring the Office of the Governor’s website for the most current Statewide Cost Allocation Plan.

*This section no longer applies to an institution of higher education or a university system [see Section 2101.0115(d)(4)(e), Texas Government Code]. All other state agencies will continue to submit the required report.

If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Budget and Policy at (512) 463-1778.

Strategic Planning Instructions

Base Reconciliation for 2024-25 Biennium

Statewide Cost Allocation Plans










Consultant Contract Guidelines

Consulting Services Contracts are governed by Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, Subchapter B.  Consistent with Section 2254.028(a)(3), certain state agencies are statutorily-required to ask the Office of the Governor for a "finding of fact" that "consulting services are necessary."  In discharging this duty, the Office of the Governor requires specific information and affirmations to be submitted before it will consider the request for a finding of fact.

Consultant Contract Finding of Fact Request Form

Annual Federal Funds Report

Section 772.009 of the Texas Government Code requires all state agencies except institutions of higher education to submit, on an annual basis, a report of the federal grants for which the agency has applied. Please submit the Annual Federal Funds Report for the fiscal year by October 31. Reports should be sent to the Office of the Governor, Division of Budget and Policy, via email at budgetandpolicyreports [at] gov.texas.gov.

If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Budget and Policy at (512) 463-1778.

Legislative Appropriations Requests

Letter, General Instructions, and Documents

COG Transfer Request Form

Pursuant to Section 391.016 of the Texas Local Government Code, a governmental unit that has withdrawn from a regional planning commission (a “COG”) and wishes to join another adjacent COG must submit a written request for approval of the transfer to the Office of the Governor. Please complete the form below, titled “Regional Planning Commission Transfer Request Form,” and submit this form and accompanying documentation to the Office of the Governor at the following address:

Office of the Governor
Attn: Budget and Policy Division
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711

Download Regional Planning Commission Transfer Request Form

Open-Meeting Provisions

The suspension of certain open-meeting requirements, which was made necessary by the COVID-19 disaster, is being terminated as of 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2021.  Beginning on that date, a governmental body may not rely on that suspension and must comply with all applicable open-meeting provisions of Texas law.  This list of open-meeting provisions will be in effect on September 1, 2021.

State agencies and local governmental bodies may contact the Office of the Attorney General with any questions at (888) 672-6787 or at TOMA@oag.texas.gov.