Justice Programs

County Essentials - Supports counties with the high and unexpected costs for the investigation and prosecution of capital murder crimes and other significant events.
District Attorney Testing of Evidence Program – Reimburse district attorney offices for costs associated with the forensic analysis of physical evidence.
Internet Crimes Against Children - Supports projects that develop an effective response to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and Internet crimes against children that encompasses forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, and community education.
Juvenile Justice Program (JJ) - Supports prevention and intervention programs for at-risk youth.
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program (Coverdell) - Reduces backlog and improves quality and timeliness in forensic laboratories.
Project Safe Neighborhoods - Supports projects that are designed to create and foster safer neighborhoods through a sustained reduction in violent crime, including, but not limited to, addressing criminal gangs and felonious possession and use of firearms.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Prisoners (RSAT) - Provides substance abuse treatment for incarcerated offenders.
Rifle-Resistant Body Armor Program - Equip peace officers with rifle-resistant body armor.
Sexual Assault Evidence Testing Program - Reimburses law enforcement agencies for costs associated with the forensic analysis of physical evidence in relation to sexual assault or other sex offenses.
Specialty Courts Program - Supports programs that focus on treatment for those with substance abuse or mental health issues or the specific needs of Veterans or sexually exploited persons.
Truancy Prevention and Intervention - Provides for juvenile case managers to provide truancy prevention and intervention services.