
The Governor-appointed commission is composed of thirteen members. With backgrounds ranging from retired flag officers, senior enlisted leaders, and public officials to economic development, public relations, and law professionals, each commissioner possesses a skill set valuable to the TMPC’s mission.

  • Chairman Mike Boyd, San Angelo
  • Commissioner Todd Fox, Killeen
  • Commissioner Garry Bradford, Corpus Christi
  • Commissioner Tom Duncavage, Houston
  • Commissioner Michael Bob Starr, Abilene
  • Commissioner Dennis Lewis, Texarkana
  • Commissioner Benjamin Miranda, El Paso
  • Commissioner Annette Sobel, Lubbock
  • Commissioner Timothy Strawther, San Antonio
  • Commissioner Shannalea Taylor, Del Rio
  • Commissioner Darrell Coleman
  • Commissioner J. Mark McLean, Fort Worth
  • Commissioner Paul Norwood, George Town