Webinar Archive - Veterans

Update to Veterans Programs and Services

Presented on November 10, 2021
Join the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD) the day before Veterans Day for a conversation on services for Texas Veterans and updates on changes in state law as a result of the 87th Texas Legislature. Participants include the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV), the Texas Veterans Commission, the Texas Department of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and the Paralyzed Veterans of America – Texas Chapter (PVA). Topics will include changes to Disabled Veteran License Plate privileges, employment programs and updates on the Veterans Administration, and more.

Before, During and After Disasters: Key Considerations for People with Disabilities

Presented on September 15, 2021
September is National Preparedness Month. As many Texas communities have experienced over the last couple of years, it is imperative for individuals and families to be prepared for a variety of manmade and national emergencies. It is important for individuals with disabilities to consider individual circumstances and needs to effectively prepare for emergencies and disasters. Join us for an overview of key considerations that individuals with disabilities should consider before, during, and after a disaster. The presentation will also provide a synopsis of how FEMA supports individuals with disabilities that are impacted by a disaster. Presenters included Tammy Goodwin, FEMA Disability Integration Advisor for Texas.

Overcoming Barriers to Vaccination for Persons with Disabilities

Presented on September 23, 2021
Disability Rights Texas has spearheaded a partnership with stakeholders and disability advocates to form a statewide coalition called Texas Partners for Inclusive Access (TPIA). The primary goal of TPIA is to expand access to COVID-19 vaccines for people with disabilities and older adults. The session will be a discussion of the TPIA- Vaccine Access Initiative.

Accommodations in College: Successfully Navigating the Transition

Presented on August 18, 2021
The transition to college is a big adjustment for most students. Along with the transitions that all students face, students with disabilities must also learn how to access accommodations and develop the support systems that they need to set themselves up for success. The presenters will explain the differences between accommodations in high school and college, how to access accommodations, and students’ rights and responsibilities in regards to those accommodations.

Presenters include Kristie Orr, PhD., Director of Disability Resources at Texas A&M University, and Alicia Guevara, Director of Accessibility Services and Resources at Lone Star College.