Texas Workforce System

Mapping the Workforce System
The Texas workforce system is composed of a number of programs, services, and initiatives administered by eight state agencies, the Texas Association of Workforce Boards, local workforce development boards, community and technical colleges, local adult education providers, and independent school districts. By delivering programs that help Texas’ current and future workers secure competitive and sustainable employment, system partners serve a critical role in the development of a world-class workforce that enjoys a higher quality of life through economic, employment, and educational success. The Council publishes and distributes a comprehensive map to help stakeholders understand the system, programs, providers, and funding: The Texas Workforce System Program Directory provides basic information about the workforce education and training programs that form the Texas workforce system. These programs, administered by eight state agencies, prepare Texas’ current and future workers for success in the global economy. (June 2024)
Aligning the Workforce System
Approved by Governor Abbott, Accelerating Alignment: Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024–2031 was created using the systems approach to workforce planning. The plan is intended to guide system partners in implementing workforce programs, services, and initiatives designed to achieve the strategies, system objectives, and goals that are outlined in the plan. In Texas Government Code, one of the primary responsibilities of the Texas Workforce Investment Council is to develop and recommend to the Governor a single strategic plan for the Texas workforce system that identifies the action, timeline, and responsible partners for each long-term objective. The sixth system plan since the Council’s creation in 1993, this plan was developed with system partners and is focused on the critical long-term objectives that have been identified as crucial to align the system or to reduce gaps and redundancies that limit system performance. (October 2023) Strategic Plan Summary Infographic
Evaluating the Workforce System
The Council is also charged in state law with evaluating implementation of the system strategic plan and other aspects of Texas’ workforce system. Since 2004, the Council has published annual system evaluations. Included in the annual evaluation report and associated evaluation briefs are the seven elements that State statutes require that the Council evaluate:
- Formal and less formal performance measures
- Implementation of the system strategic plan
- Adult education alignment activities and achievements
- Local workforce board activities and alignment
- Work development programs that focus on welfare to work initiatives
- Member agency strategic plan alignment
- Skill Standards System
Evaluation 2024 is the first annual evaluation report for Accelerating Alignment: Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024–2031. In the last reporting period, state and local system partners provided the delivery of multiple workforce education and training programs, which served more than 4.3 million individuals. Among those who participated in workforce system programs and services, nearly 700,000 individuals completed a degree, certificate, or other measure of educational achievement. Furthermore, over 820,000 Texans who engaged in a workforce program secured employment, maintained their jobs, and/or enrolled in further education or training. Summary of Evaluation 2024 Archive