Nonprofit Toolkit

Non-Profit Federal & State Level
Internal Revenue Service - Starting Out
Texas Secretary of State Office
Non-Profit Resources
Blue Avocado Magazine
Created by and for community-based nonprofits; this monthly newsletter includes board selection, volunteer management, operational and financial information specifically geared toward Nonprofits.
Boards That Excel
With a focus on strengthening nonprofit organizations through a 7-Step process, Boards that Excel can assist with best practices and achieving your goals.
OneStar Foundation
Vision: OneStar Foundation envisions Texas having the strongest, most effective nonprofit sector in the country.
Mission: OneStar Foundation connects partners and resources to build a stronger nonprofit sector in Texas.
Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (CBAR)
Texas CBAR offers a Pro Bono Legal Referral Program designed to connect eligible nonprofits and microenterprises with volunteer attorneys who provide free legal assistance on business, corporate, and legal matters that do not involve litigation. To be eligible for assistance, all organizations are evaluated under a set of criteria and preferences listed on the website.
Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO)
TANO advocates for issues that affect all nonprofits. The Texas Association of Non Profit Organization’s track state and federal legislation, educating nonprofits about policy developments, and mobilizing members and other nonprofits around critical policy issues.
Web Design & Technology
TechSoup connects nonprofits, foundations, and libraries with tech products, services, and learning resources.