In the News

Recent Council Publications

Youth in Texas: A Demographic Study

COVID-19 Labor Market Update report coverThis report details the demographic characteristics of the youth population in Texas. A demographic description of the U.S. youth population is first presented to provide context for the analysis of Texas youth. The youth population in Texas is then detailed with a focus on the characteristics of labor force participants. Youth continue to be a valuable resource for Texas employers and the Texas economy. (September 2024) 

People with Disabilities: A Texas Profile

COVID-19 Labor Market Update report coverThis report details the demographic characteristics of the population of individuals with disabilities in Texas. A demographic description of the U.S. population with disabilities is first presented to provide context for the analysis of Texans with disabilities. The Texas population with disabilities is then detailed with a focus on the characteristics of labor force participants with disabilities. People with disabilities are a valuable resource for Texas employers and the Texas economy. (June 2024) Summary of People with Disabilities

Veterans in Texas: A Demographic Study

Veterans in Texas report coverThis study provides a demographic overview of veterans for both the U.S. and Texas. A demographic description of the U.S. veteran population is first presented to provide context for the analysis of Texas veterans. The Texas veteran population is then detailed with a focus on the characteristics of veteran labor force participants. The veteran population is a valuable resource for Texas employers and the Texas economy. (February 2024) Summary of Veterans in Texas

Apprenticeship Brochures

Apprenticeship Brochure report cover for StudentsThe Texas Workforce Investment Council, through its Apprenticeship and Training Advisory Committee, produces an apprenticeship brochure for students (left), employers, and local education agencies to increase awareness of registered apprenticeship in Texas. The brochures identify specific highlights and outcomes of registered apprenticeship training programs and reiterate that registered apprenticeship programs are critical in building a labor force of highly skilled workers for Texas. (February 2024)

Evaluation 2023

This report is the eighth and final annual evaluation report for The Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan FY 2016–FY 2023. The focal point of the annual evaluation is a balanced scorecard that presents outcome and trend data for system performance. Through the delivery of multiple workforce education and training programs, state and local system partners served more than 4.2 million individuals in the last reporting period. Of those participating in workforce system programs and services, more than 675,000 individuals completed a degree, certificate, or other measure of educational achievement. Additionally, over 850,000 Texans who participated in a workforce program found a job, stayed in a job, and/or enrolled in further education or training. (December 2023) Summary of Evaluation 2023  

Accelerating Alignment: Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024–2031

Approved by Governor Abbott, Accelerating Alignment: Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024–2031 was created using the systems approach to workforce planning. The plan is intended to guide system partners in implementing workforce programs, services, and initiatives designed to achieve the strategies, system objectives, and goals that are outlined in the plan. In Texas Government Code, one of the primary responsibilities of the Texas Workforce Investment Council is to develop and recommend to the Governor a single strategic plan for the Texas workforce system that identifies the action, timelines, and responsible partner agency for each long-term objective. The sixth system plan since the Council's creation in 1993, this plan was developed with system partners and is focused on the critical long-term objectives identified as crucial to align the system or to reduce gaps and redundancies that limit system performance. (October 2023)  Summary of Strategic Plan  Infographic

Research to Support Workforce System Strategic Planning

Apprenticeship Brochure report cover for StudentsAs part of the strategic planning process, Council staff reviewed selected sources related to emerging issues identified by members and partner agencies. To inform the development of the next workforce system strategic plan for Texas, this compendium includes summaries of research on current workforce issues and research relevant to the Council. Each summary includes the source, date, and a link to the original source document. (September 2022)

Mature Workers in Texas: A Demographic Study

Mature Workers report coverThis report provides information about mature labor force participants in Texas, specifically those 55 years and older. The research can be utilized as a primer to understand the significant issues related to mature labor force participants and as a reference for data about this specific segment of the population. (June 2021) Summary of Mature Workers Study

Texas Allied Health Labor Force Analysis

Texas Allied Health report coverThis report provides demographic and occupation-related benchmarks of allied health occupations in the United States and Texas. The report includes analysis of population trends, demographic characteristics, and labor market and education data for the allied health labor force. (June 2021) 
Summary of Allied Health Labor Force Analysis

Recent Council Actions

  • September 2024 – The Council took one action. The action was to approve the Council work plan for fiscal year 2025. The work plan organizes the activities of the Council and its staff for the 12-month period from September 1 through August 31. It is based on the responsibilities assigned to the Council by Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Chapter 2308 of Texas Government Code.

  • June 2024 – The Council took two actions. The first action was to approve the rule review for designation and redesignation of local workforce development areas. Rules must be reviewed every four years, and once approved, a Notice of Adopted Rule Review will be posted in the Texas Register. The second action was to recognize the updated skill standards for six information technology occupations developed and endorsed by the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond Business and Industry Leadership Team of the National Convergence Technology Center. Texas Government Code, Section 2308.109, charges the Council with maintaining the statewide system of skill standards. 

  • February 2024 – The Council took three actions. The first action was to approve and forward to the Governor for action the Texas Combined State Plan under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for Program Year (PY) 2024–PY 2027. The Council is charged with approval of the state plan required under WIOA and must have an approved state plan in place to receive WIOA formula funding. The second action, required by Texas Government Code, Section 2308.101(12), was to approve the fiscal year (FY) 2025 funding formula for apprenticeship programs funded under Chapter 133 of the Texas Education Code and to forward the recommendations to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) for implementation. The third action, also required by Section 133.004 of the Texas Education Code, was to consider for approval the distribution rate of available funding for FY 2025 to support pre-apprenticeship training programs and to submit the recommendation to TWC for implementation. 

  • December 2023 – The Council took three actions. The Council approved a technical amendment of Accelerating Alignment: Texas Workforce System Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2024–2031 to clarify language in the less formal measures. The second action was to approve the Council's Evaluation 2023: Accomplishments and Outcomes of the Texas Workforce System as required by Texas Government Code (TGC), Section 2308.104. Evaluation 2023 serves as the annual report on the implementation and performance of the workforce system strategic plan for fiscal years 2016–2023. The third action was to approve the amended Guidelines for Texas Skill Standards Based Program Recognition. The Council is charged with maintaining the statewide skill standards system, including four specific mandates, required by TGC, Section 2308.109. The amended Guidelines were updated to reflect current practices and streamline the process for colleges to receive program recognition.