Texas Workforce Investment Council

Dear Fellow Texan:
As Chair of the Texas Workforce Investment Council, I would like to welcome you to our website. I have long believed that education, workforce, and economic development are inextricably linked, and that the Council has an important role in advocating for a workforce system that builds strong connections between these three areas. Established under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2308, and as the State Workforce Investment Board under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, our purpose is to assist the Governor and the Legislature with strategic planning for and evaluation of the Texas workforce system, which is composed of eight state agencies, their local program providers, and over 20 diverse and dynamic programs.
Our role in the workforce system is strategic. The Council does not operate workforce programs, which allows us to have a unique perspective in order to inform policy deliberations. The Council provides information, data, analysis, and recommendations through the various reports, research, and publications that you will find on this website. For an overview of the Council’s past activities, I refer you to our Annual Report. Through our work we contribute to statewide workforce initiatives and encourage meaningful partnerships and collaborations between workforce system partners and stakeholders. View examples of our recent work.
Texas is a great state and has a great and growing workforce. That workforce, both current and future, is critical to enabling Texas to compete in the global market. It is my hope that the Council's work and collaborative relationship with system partners will help align, leverage, and integrate workforce system programs and services to benefit all Texans.
Texas Workforce Investment Council