Purpose and Functions of the Council

The Texas Workforce Investment Council (Council) is statutorily responsible for promoting the development of a well-educated, highly skilled workforce for Texas and advocating for an integrated workforce system that provides quality, relevant services that address the needs of Texas businesses and its workers.
Established under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2308, the Council assists the Governor and the Legislature with strategic planning for and evaluation of the Texas workforce system. In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the Council has five primary functions:
1) strategic planning; 2) evaluation and performance measurement; 3) research and continuous improvement; 4) review of state and local workforce plans and reports to ensure alignment with statewide goals and objectives; and 5) maintain the Texas Skill Standards system.
The Council serves as the State Workforce Investment Board under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Common responsibilities of state boards include:
- Identifying workforce needs
- Reviewing services and the use of funds
- Conducting broad-based planning
- Developing standards and measures to evaluate workforce programs
The Council is also charged with the administration of a statewide system of industry-defined and industry-recognized skill standards for major skilled, sub-baccalaureate occupations with strong employment and earnings opportunities.
Additional information on Texas skill standards can be found here.
Council's Role in the Workforce System
Unlike agencies, which primarily have a specific focus and charge to deliver programs and services under the purview of their agency, the Council employs a systems perspective in order to fulfill its unique role in the system and achieve its mandated priorities. Having this perspective means that the Council considers and focuses on:
- The impact of one program on another program.
- The intersections or "transitions" between the various parts of the system.
- The outcome(s) of one program or group of programs and how they affect the entire system.
The Council uses its systems perspective to advocate for and support a systemic approach to the delivery of programs and services to meet the needs of workforce system customers: employers, workers, students, and job seekers. The Council's primary vehicle for this work is the development, implementation, and evaluation of a single strategic plan for the workforce system.
The Council advocates for and supports this systemic approach through:
- Development and dissemination of Council products.
- Participation in and facilitation of cross-agency and multi-state projects and initiatives.
- Recommendations to the Governor:
- Local workforce board plans
- Combined state plan for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
- Local requests for redesignation of workforce areas
- Formal and Less Formal measures for the workforce system
- Goals, objectives, and strategies for the workforce system through the system strategic plan