News – Proclamation

Apr 13

Governor Abbott Issues Disaster Declaration In Response Drought Conditions Across Texas

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a State Disaster Declaration for a number of Texas counties currently experiencing extraordinary drought conditions resulting in an increased threat of wildfire.

Mar 16

Governor Abbott Again Declares Disaster Proclamation Extension For Texas Counties Impacted By Hurricane Harvey

Governor Greg Abbott today extended the State Disaster Declaration for Texas counties affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Mar 6

Governor Abbott Proclaims March 2018 to be Women’s History Month

Governor Abbott proclaims March 2018 to be Women's History Month.

Feb 22

Proclamation Commuting Death Sentence Of Thomas Bartlett Whitaker

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a proclamation commuting the death sentence of Thomas Bartlett Whitaker following a unanimous decision by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Feb 16

Governor Abbott Declares Disaster Proclamation Extension For Texas Counties Impacted By Hurricane Harvey

Governor Greg Abbott today extended the State Disaster Declaration for Texas counties affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Feb 16

Governor Abbott Sets Date For Special Election In HD 13

Governor Greg Abbott sets the date of the special election in HD 13.

Feb 3

Governor Abbott Proclaims February 2018 To Be African-American History Month

Governor Greg Abbott proclaims February 2018 to be African-American History Month.

Feb 2

Governor Greg Abbott Declares February 2nd “Texas Military Heroes Day”

Honoring those who have secured our freedom throughout the generations and those who are defending it still.