
Jun 27

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Kolkhorst, Rep. Simmons’ Intention To Author Privacy Protection Legislation

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst and Rep. Ron Simmons will author legislation seeking to protect the privacy of women and children.

Press Release

Jun 27

Governor Abbott Statement On WOTUS Withdrawal Proposal

Governor Greg Abbott released a statement after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced today that he will propose to withdraw the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.

Press Release

Jun 27

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Estes, Rep. Villalba’s Intention To Author Legislation Limiting Growth In Local Spending

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Craig Estes and Rep. Jason Villalba will author legislation to limit the growth in local spending to no more than the growth of population and inflation.

Press Release

Jun 27

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Hancock, Reps. Parker And Schofield’s Intention To File Legislation Limiting Growth In State Spending

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Kelly Hancock, Reps. Tan Parker and Mike Schofield will file legislation to limit the growth in state spending to no more than the growth of population and inflation.

Press Release

Jun 26

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Creighton And Rep. Smithee’s Intention To Author Pro-Life Insurance Reform Legislation

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Brandon Creighton and Rep. John Smithee will author pro-life insurance reform legislation.

Press Release

Jun 26

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Perry, Rep. Greg Bonnen’s Intention To Author Do-Not-Resuscitate Order Legislation

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Charles Perry and Rep. Greg Bonnen will author legislation to strengthen patient protections related to Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) orders.

Press Release

Jun 26

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Schwertner, Rep. Springer ‘s Intention To Author Legislation Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Providers

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Charles Schwertner and Rep. Drew Springer will author legislation to prohibit local and state governments from providing taxpayer funds to abortion providers.

Press Release

Jun 23

Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Campbell, Rep. Capriglione’s Intention To Author Abortion Complication Reporting Legislation

In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Donna Campbell and Rep. Giovanni Capriglione will author legislation to strengthen reporting requirements when health complications result from abortions.

Press Release