Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Schwertner, Rep. Springer ‘s Intention To Author Legislation Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Providers
In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Charles Schwertner and Rep. Drew Springer will author legislation to prohibit local and state governments from providing taxpayer funds to abortion providers. This is one of 20 items that Governor Abbott previously announced will be added to the special session agenda. Governor Abbott issued the following statement applauding Sen. Schwertner and Rep. Springer for their commitment to further protect life in the upcoming special session.
"The legislature made strides this past session in passing pro-life legislation, but there is more we can and must do," said Governor Abbott. "Part of my LIFE Initiative is to end local and state taxpayer funding for abortion providers and their affiliates, which have long used this money to undermine a culture of life. I commend Sen. Schwertner and Rep. Springer for their work to stop this practice, and for their dedication to protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn."
"It's time to put an end to taxpayer-funded abortion in Texas," said Sen. Charles Schwertner. "Texans have made it abundantly clear that they don't want their hard-earned tax dollars used to fund abortion providers like Planned Parenthood…regardless of whether those dollars are collected at the local, state, or federal level. This special session, I look forward to fully defunding Planned Parenthood and finally making it clear, once and for all, that taxpayer funds will not be used to support abortion in any way, shape or form."
"We have allowed organizations like Planned Parenthood to perform theses heinous acts on the taxpayers' dime for far too long,” said Representative Drew Springer. “It is our duty as citizens of this great State to be the voice for the unborn and end the funding for those that administer these procedures once and for all.”