Texas Talent Connection Grant Program

Texas Talent Connection logo

Governor Abbott’s initiative for working Texans makes clear the governor’s intention to create “an environment where entrepreneurs and workers have the freedom to aspire, to innovate, to grow, and to prosper.” This grant program seeks applications that support innovation in workforce development and that address the primary focus of this fund, which is to:

  • support exemplary workforce training projects that lead to job placement, increased wages, and job retention;
  • deliver workforce services in more efficient and innovative ways; and
  • provide services to workforce populations with special needs.

The Texas Talent Connection grant program is funded by Wagner-Peyser 7(b) federal funds, which are allocated to each State Office of the Governor on July 1 of each year for grants to fund workforce training and job placement services.

On behalf of the Office of Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Workforce Investment Council facilitates the call for applications and competitive selection processes for the Texas Talent Connection grant program. The Texas Workforce Commission is responsible for processes related to Texas Talent Connection grant award negotiation, funding, management, and monitoring.

For questions or assistance related to the Texas Talent Connection grant application process, please send us a message.

For questions about an existing award, please contact the assigned contract manager at the Texas Workforce Commission.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible partnerships for Texas Talent Connection grants for workforce training and services may include various combinations of local workforce boards, employers or employer organizations, institutions of higher education, faith-based organizations, local school districts, and not-for-profit community-based organizations.

Key parameters associated with eligibility for this funding program include the following:

  • Applicants may apply for funding for 12 months only.
  • Applicants must reapply each year for additional funding consideration. There is no guarantee of an award in any year.
  • Funding is generally limited to no more than $350,000 for any year.
  • Successful applicants are eligible for additional annual awards for up to three years maximum, consecutive or otherwise, for essentially similar grant activities that demonstrate successful outcomes.
  • All applications are subject to the general terms and conditions of this funding program, if awarded. Submission of an application confirms agreement with these terms.
  • For any application that is to continue a project for a second or third year of grant funding, successful performance on the intended outcomes of the previous contract(s) will be taken into consideration.
  • If a project has received three years of funding for similar grant activities and outcomes, the project is no longer eligible for funding.
  • Additional guidance is provided in the application packet.

Important Dates  

Grant timeline: see dates below
April 1: Application Period Opens
April 30: Deadline (5 p.m. CDT)
Mid-June: Notification of Awards
July or Later: Contract Development

Download all elements of the 2025 grant application from the link below.

Texas Talent Connection Grant Application Materials

2025 Application Packet 

Application Information

Information Grant FAQs Evidence Evidence FAQs  

General Information

Overview  Eligible Participants and Activities