News – Appointment

Sep 29

Governor Abbott Reappoints Four To OneStar National Service Commission

The commission serves as the state's liaison to the Corporation for National and Community Service, fulfilling the duties prescribed and oversees Texas' participation in Corporation for National and Community Service programs, and prepares a comprehensive three-year national service plan for the state annually.

Sep 28

Governor Abbott Reappoints Taylor To Southern Regional Education Board

The Southern Regional Education Board works with states to improve public education at every level, from early childhood through doctoral education.

Sep 24

Governor Abbott Appoints Wang To Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee

The committee reviews, for the Higher Education Coordinating Board, applications for approval and funding of family practice residency training programs and related support programs.

Sep 23

Governor Abbott Appoints Five To Podiatric Medical Examiners Advisory Board

The advisory board provides advice and recommendations to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on technical matters relevant to the regulation of the practice of podiatry.

Sep 22

Governor Abbott Appoints Nichols To Continuing Advisory Committee For Special Education

The committee provides policy guidance on special education and related services for children with disabilities in Texas.

Sep 21

Governor Abbott Appoints Hayes And Mentesana To Appraisal Management Companies Advisory Committee

The committee advises the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board and makes recommendations on matters relating to the regulation of appraisal management companies. 

Sep 21

Governor Abbott Appoints Krawczyk To Family and Protective Services Council

The council is charged with studying and making recommendations to the commissioner regarding the management and operation of the Department of Family and Protective Services.

Sep 17

Governor Abbott Appoints 11 To Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response

The task force provides expert, evidence-based assessments, protocols, and recommendations related to state responses to infectious diseases, and to serve as a reliable and transparent source of information and education for Texas leadership and citizens. Task force members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.