Governor Abbott Appoints Meyer And Keller To Education Commission Of The States
The Education Commission of the States gathers and analyzes data concerning education needs and resources as well as encourages research in all aspects of education.
Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Five To Red River Boundary Commission
The Commission shall confer and act jointly with representatives appointed on behalf of the State of Oklahoma.
Governor Abbott Appoints Garland And Galindo To Risk Management Board
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Lloyd Garland, M.D. and appointed Rick Galindo, III to the Risk Management Board for terms set to expire on February 1, 2025.
Governor Abbott Designates Soward To Texas Violent Gang Task Force
Governor Greg Abbott has designated David Soward to the Texas Violent Gang Task Force for a term at the pleasure of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Appoints Cannady To Economic Incentive Oversight Board
The board examines the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and funds administered by the Office of the Governor, Comptroller, or Department of Agriculture that award state monetary or tax incentives to business entities and other persons.
Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Johnson And Nejad To Board Of Professional Engineers And Land Surveyors
The board licenses qualified engineers and land surveyors and regulates the practice of professional engineering and professional land surveying.
Governor Abbott Appoints Fifteen To Governor’s Broadband Development Council
tHE Governor’s Broadband Development Council terms are set to expire on August 31, 2024.
Governor Abbott Appoints Four To Business Advisory Council To The Texas Division Of Emergency Management
The council provides advice and expertise on actions state and local governments can take to assist businesses in recovering from a disaster.