Governor Abbott Appoints Four To One-Call Board of Texas
The board has authority over “Call Before You Dig” systems that notify the underground facility operators for excavation plans so pipelines and utility lines can be marked to prevent accidents.
Governor Abbott Announces New Freshpet Manufacturing Facility in Ennis
Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Freshpet, Inc. will build a new pet food manufacturing facility in Ennis, Texas.
Governor Abbott Proclaims March 2, 2020 To Be Texas Independence Day
The Governor encourages all Texans to learn more about, reflect on, and take pride in our state’s unique origins and rich history.
First Lady Cecilia Abbott Delivers Remarks During “Be the One” Human Trafficking Awareness Presentation At Luling High School
First Lady Cecilia Abbott delivered remarks at Luling High School as part of a human trafficking awareness presentation for junior and senior students.
Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To Rehabilitation Council Of Texas
The council partners with the Texas Workforce Commission to advocate for people with disabilities in the vocational rehabilitation process.
Governor Abbott Appoints Miller And Young To Texas Early Learning Council
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Reagan Miller and Audrey Young to the Texas Early Learning Council for terms at to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.
Nominations Now Open For The 2020 Governor’s Volunteer Awards
The Governor's Volunteer Awards are administered by the OneStar Foundation, and are an opportunity for the state of Texas to honor those who exhibit excellence in serving their communities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Thibodeaux To Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The council was created by the 86th legislative session to address barriers to accessing higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.