Governor Abbott Appoints Madrid To Commission On State Emergency Communication
Governor Greg Abbott today appointed Rodolfo “Rudy” Madrid Jr. of Kingsville to the Commission on State Emergency Communication for a term to expire on September 1, 2017.
Rudy Madrid is a 1990 graduate of H.M. King High School in Kingsville, Texas. He attended Texas A&I University from 1990 to 1992, where he then began his Navy career - completing boot camp at the Recruit Training Command in San Diego, California. From there, he immediately attended the Naval School of Health Science in San Diego and graduated from Hospital Corpsman School. After serving his next two years on the Labor & Delivery Unit at Naval Hospital Memphis, Tennessee, he was accepted to the Navy’s Advanced Medical Laboratory “C” School and went on to serve as a Microbiology Supervisor at the Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Florida. While onboard, he managed to attend off-duty college which led to his completion of a Bachelor’s of Science in Healthcare Administration from Southern Illinois University. In 1998, Madrid was meritoriously selected to the Military Enlisted Commissioning Program where he went on to complete his Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi.
In 2001 he served as charge nurse to the Emergency Room at Naval Hospital Jacksonville and was sub-billeted to Fleet Hospital Jacksonville where he completed multiple pre-deployment work-ups in Camp Pendelton, CA in response to 911. In 2004, Madrid transferred to the Naval Hospital, Naples, Italy where he served as the Clinical Nursing Manager to the Emergency Room. During this tour, he was able to complete graduate level schooling and earned a Master’s of Science Degree in Health Care Management. In 2007, Madrid was meritoriously selected to attend the Navy’s Duty Under Instruction program and attended the University of Texas Health and Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. While there, he was trained as an Advanced Practitioner at University Trauma Center, and earned a Master’s of Science Degree in ER/Trauma Nursing. Upon completion, he transferred to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland where he served as the Clinical Nursing Director to the Emergency Room.
In 2010 Madrid was hand-selected to deploy to Kandahar, Afghanistan where he served as part of an elite Shock/Trauma Team for the Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit. He was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for directly influencing a 98% survival rate to severely wounded American, coalition, Afghan Police and local national patients. In 2011, Madrid was instrumental in constructing a comprehensive pre-deployment trauma training program at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that is expected to increase overall Readiness for both hospital corpsman and military Nurses alike. LCDR Madrid finalized his military career as the Clinical Nursing Director for the Joint Forces Medical Education and Training Center at Fort Sam Houston Army base in San Antonio, Texas. In 2014, Madrid was elected Kleberg County Judge.
Madrid currently sits on several boards and is active in multiple charities.
This appointment is subject to Senate confirmation.