GRACE - Governor’s Response Against Child Exploitation

The Office of the Governor and the Department of Family & Protective Services are working together to fight child sex trafficking in Texas. To improve awareness, service capacity, and prevention efforts, the GRACE initiative empowers communities of faith across Texas, complementing the agencies’ shared vision of a statewide Network of Nurture to meet the needs of children and their families.


We envision every faith community in Texas working collaboratively with the State of Texas and local agencies to end human trafficking, help survivors heal and flourish, and protect the vulnerable.


The GRACE collaboration will empower leaders of the diverse faith communities in the state of Texas to achieve our shared vision through education, advocacy, prayer, and provision of resources to survivors of human trafficking and those who are vulnerable.

Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking

January 6-12, 2025

Every January, GRACE hosts a Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Faith communities across Texas are encouraged to unite in prayer, become better educated about human trafficking, and discern opportunities to prevent exploitation and support survivors.

The 2025 Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking will run from Monday, January 6th through Sunday, January 12th. Join us for a virtual interfaith launch event on Monday, January 6th at 7:00 p.m. on Facebook. Texans can use the hashtag #TXPraysToEndHT on social media to share their support for the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking.

Daily Prayer Intentions

During this week of prayer, Texans of all faiths and religious backgrounds are encouraged to pray about the issue of human trafficking in whatever manner they choose. In a spirit of solidarity and interfaith collaboration, GRACE members humbly offer these daily intentions for those Texans wishing to focus their prayers. Beginning Tuesday, January 7th, a new video featuring different faith leaders will be posted on the Office of the Governor’s Facebook page to guide viewers through the day’s intention.

  • Monday, January 6th: Pray that the demand for human trafficking will decrease and that all who may be vulnerable to trafficking receive the help, love, and support they need to prevent them from experiencing victimization.  
  • Tuesday, January 7th: Pray that our hearts and minds will be open to recognizing the signs of human trafficking in our communities, and that Texans will have the awareness and courage to speak up when they see behavior that puts others at risk.  
  • Wednesday, January 8th: Pray for trauma-informed, victim-centered, innovative investigations that successfully recover those being trafficked. 
  • Thursday, January 9th: Pray for complete healing for all who are currently being exploited, or who have been exploited in the past.
  • Friday, January 10th: Pray that child welfare workers, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, and all others involved in the justice system will have the strength to endure, and that justice prevails. 
  • Saturday, January 11th: Pray that children, women, and men who are currently being exploited will find safety quickly, and that they are able to remain safe as they start to heal. 
  • Sunday, January 12th: Pray for discernment on the actions you can personally take to prevent human trafficking.

Online Safety

GRACE has identified online safety as a major issue for faith communities and families seeking to protect children from exploitation. Along with First Lady Cecilia Abbott, the McCain Institute, and the Outdoor Advertising Association of Texas, GRACE members recently helped launch the R.E.A.L. Friends Don’t campaign. The goal of this campaign is to empower parents and caregivers to protect their children from harmful content, grooming, or online exploitation. 

What can you do?


Faith communities can increase awareness in their congregations and larger communities by educating on how to identify, respond to, and prevent trafficking.

The following videos and resources are suitable for mature audiences: 

  • Be the One: 52-minute training documentary from the Attorney General of Texas. The video features actual cases prosecuted in Texas and equips viewers with a better understanding of human trafficking in our state.
  • Look Beneath the Surface to End Human Trafficking: 14-minute video from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The video features stories of survivors and raises awareness about human trafficking and how to get help.
  • TBRI Animate on Human Trafficking: 3-minute animation from Texas Christian University that accurately, succinctly, and artfully describes the realities of child exploitation and how we can help survivors heal.
  • Can You See Me?: A series of PSAs ranging from 2 minutes to 5 minutes that depict various scenarios of human trafficking to help viewers recognize and report suspicious activity.
  • R.E.A.L. Friends Don’t: This campaign increases awareness and educates parents and caregivers about online safety and empowers parents to protect their children from harmful content, grooming, or online exploitation.
  • National Human Trafficking Hotline
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Other targeted toolkits and resources for leaders of multiple faiths and their communities:

The Department of Family and Protective Services has partnered with Shared Hope International to help Texas congregations learn how to protect their youth and give them tools to protect their community. Learn more by emailing


GRACE encourages faith communities to move from awareness to action to meet the unique needs of their local area. Each community has an opportunity to discern its contribution through prayer, awareness, supporting victim services, or moving upstream into prevention activities.

If you would like information on supporting children in foster care, contact your local DFPS faith-based specialist.

The Governor's Child Sex Trafficking Team (CSTT) has regional advisors across the state who can help educate faith communities and connect them with relevant stakeholders. 

In addition, local anti-trafficking coalitions welcome partnerships with faith communities to strengthen local efforts.