Governor Abbott Appoints Santini To 457th Judicial District Court
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Vince Santini to the 457th Judicial District Court in Montgomery County for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Governor Abbott Appoints Garcia And Rodríguez To State Board Of Educator Certification
The board develops certification and continuing education requirements and standards of conduct for public school teachers.
Governor Abbott Appoints Steen and Names Rivera Chair of Texas Lottery Commission
The commission controls and supervises the operations of the state lottery and bingo, ensuring that all games are conducted fairly and in compliance with state law.
Governor Abbott Appoints Philibert And Scott To Texas Municipal Retirement System Board Of Trustees
The board oversees the Texas Municipal Retirement System, which is responsible for providing a secure retirement benefit plan for eligible employees of more than 800 cities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Flores To Stephen F. Austin State University Board Of Regents
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Robert Flores to the Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents for a term set to expire on January 31, 2021.
Governor Greg Abbott Appoints Three To State Board Of Veterinary Medical Examiners
The mission of the Board is to establish and enforce policies to ensure the best possible quality of veterinary and equine dental provider services for the people of Texas.
Governor Abbott Appoints Duchman To Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
The council is charged with developing an effective and resource‐efficient plan to reduce the morbidity, mortality and economic burden of cardiovascular disease and stroke in the State of Texas.
Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Two To Texas Veterans Commission
The commission serves as the state appointed advocate of Texas veterans as they attempt to secure the benefits rightfully earned in exchange for their service in our nation's armed forces.