Governor Abbott Reappoints Holder And Jenkins To Jefferson And Orange County Board Of Pilot Commissioners
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Charles E. “Charlie” Holder and William G. “Will” Jenkins, III to the Jefferson and Orange County Board of Pilot Commissioners for terms to expire on August 22, 2020. The board has exclusive jurisdiction over the pilot services provided in Jefferson or Orange County, including intermediate stops and landing places for vessels on navigable streams wholly or partially located in the board's jurisdiction.
Charles E. “Charlie” Holder of Vidor is president and CEO of Advantage Testing, Home Instead Senior Care, and Sure Shot Game Calls. He is a member of the Professional Outdoor Press Association and EO - Entrepreneurs Organization. He is chairman of The Betterment for Seniors Foundation Board, board member of Meals on Wheels and the Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas, and the founder of Be a Santa to a Senior. Holder attended Lamar University and received a Masters in Entrepreneurship from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
William G. “Will” Jenkins, III of Beaumont is director of sales at Giglio Distributing Company. He serves on the Wholesale Beer Distributors of Texas Board of Directors. He is on the board of Coastal Conservation Association – Golden Triangle, United Way of Beaumont, and Beaumont Main Street. He serves on the executive board as vice-president of marketing for Three Rivers Council and is chairman of the board of St. Anne Catholic School in Beaumont. Jenkins received a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing from Texas A&M University in College Station.