What They Are Saying About Governor Abbott’s Police Protection Act
“Greg Abbott Is Fighting Back” … “We Firmly Support” … “Sending A Stronger Message”
Captain John Coffee Of The Potter County Sheriff’s Department Said He Believes Law Enforcement Will Be “100% Behind” The Police Protection Act. “I think the law enforcement community will be 100% behind this and I believe the legislators will be behind this. This is a good thing, this is something positive in stepping forward towards a positive movement for law enforcement.” (KDFA-TV, Amarillo, 7/19/16)
Police Chief David Cross Of The Crockett Police Department Said The Support From The Governor & The Police Protection Act “Helps Us In Doing Our Job.” Chief Cross: “We have support from our government officials and our Governor and others that back our department which we’ve seen. In law enforcement that gratefully helps us in doing our job.” (KLTV-TV, Tyler, 7/18/16)
- HEADLINE: “Crockett Law Enforcement Gets Behind New Police Protection Act” (Thomas Hoce, Crockett Law Enforcement Gets Behind New Police Protection Act, KLTV-TV, 7/19/16)
Commander John Johnson Of The Corpus Christi Police Department Said The Police Protection Act “Sends A Stronger Message.” Commander Johnson: “It’s actually sending a stronger message that in Texas they won't tolerate officers being the victims of bodily injury.” (KIII-TV, Corpus Christi, 7/19/16)
Lt. John Cummins Of The Taylor County Sheriff’s Office Applauded The Police Protection Act & The Governor For “Leading The Way” In Addressing Law Enforcement Concerns In Texas. Lt. John Cummins: “The problems across our state and nation regarding attacks on law enforcement officers deserve the careful attention of our legislative bodies. We applaud Gov. Abbott for leading the way in addressing these concerns within Texas. Hopefully with changes in the law, these attacks will become less frequent." (Will Jensen, “Gov. Abbott Seeks Stiffer Penalties For Crimes Against Officers,” KTXS-TV, 7/18/16)
Amarillo Globe-News Editorial: “Gov. Greg Abbott Is Right In Asking The Texas Legislature To Approve His Police Protection Act.” (Editorial, A 'Hate' Crime Law Worth Supporting, Amarillo Globe-News, 7/19/16)
- HEADLINE: “A 'Hate' Crime Law Worth Supporting” (Editorial, A 'Hate' Crime Law Worth Supporting, Amarillo Globe-News, 7/19/16)
McAllen Monitor Editorial: “We Firmly Support [Governor Abbott’s Police Protection Act].” “It’s clear that stricter federal and state laws and penalties must be administered to deter malicious behavior toward our nation’s peace officers. That is why we firmly support two recent measures proposed by Texas lawmakers to help deter crimes against law enforcement personnel.” (Editorial, “We Must Protect Our Police,” McAllen Monitor, 7/18/16)
Joe Baeze Of The Laredo Police Department Said The Police Protection Act Is “A Step In The Right Direction.” Baeze: “Additional laws puts more punitive bite into protecting officers who are on the line of duty. It’s a step in the right direction. People will think twice, especially if they are planning on doing these types of things.” (KGNS-TV, Laredo, 7/19/16)
KTBC-TV’s Amanda Salinas: “Governor Greg Abbott Is Fighting Back.” “Following the murders of police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas, Governor Greg Abbott is fighting back.” (KTBC-TV, Austin, 7/19/16)
KVEO-TV’s Emily Jimenez: “Governor Greg Abbott Is Taking Action.” “Gov. Greg Abbott is taking action in protecting law enforcement officers from hate crimes.” (KVEO-TV, Harlingen, 7/18/16)
KXAS-TV’s Jeff Smith: “There Is A Lot Of Support For The Governor's Plan.” “There is a lot of support for the Governor's plan. They believe that making attacks on law enforcement officers as a hate crime would create a culture of respect and civility towards law enforcement.” (KXAS-TV, Dallas, 7/18/16)