Governor Abbott vetoes HB 345 (86R)
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 14, of the Texas Constitution, I, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, do hereby disapprove of and veto House Bill No. 345 as passed by the Eighty-Sixth Texas Legislature, Regular Session, because of the following objections:
I have already signed House Bill 2092, requiring DPS to adopt procedures for issuing personal identification certificates to all individuals who surrender their driver’s licenses. House Bill 345 would apply to only some of those individuals and require DPS to adopt additional procedures for the automatic issuance of personal identification certificates. Disapproving House Bill 345 will allow individuals to transition to personal identification certificates when they desire and ensure that implementation of this program will not cause administrative headaches.
Since the Eighty-Sixth Texas Legislature, Regular Session, by its adjournment has prevented the return of this bill, I am filing these objections in the office of the Secretary of State and giving notice thereof by this public proclamation according to the aforementioned constitutional provision.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have signed my name officially and caused the Seal of the State to be affixed hereto at Austin, this 15th day of June, 2019.