Governor Abbott Invites Austin Veterans Parade Foundation To Host Rally On State Capitol Steps

November 9, 2021 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

In light of the cancellation of the Veterans Day Parade in Austin due to stringent COVID-19 regulations put in place by the City of Austin, Governor Greg Abbott today invited veterans with the Austin Veterans Parade Foundation to host a rally on the south steps of the Texas State Capitol. 
"The City of Austin's overreaching COVID-19 requirements have placed an undue burden on large events like the 2021 Veterans Day Parade, forcing the Austin Veterans Parade Foundation to cancel their annual event," said Governor Abbott. "That is why I am inviting the Austin Veterans Parade Foundation and military veterans to host a rally on the south steps of the the Texas State Capitol to celebrate our nation's heroes. The State of Texas will always support our military veterans, and we are committed to ensuring that the traditions of Veterans Day are kept alive in the capital city."