Governor Abbott Delivers Remarks At National Federation Of Independent Business’ Texas Small Business Day Conference

February 12, 2019 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott today delivered remarks at the National Federation Of Independent Business' (NFIB) Texas Small Business Day Conference in Austin. The Governor discussed his priorities for the legislative session, including property tax and school finance reform, and expressed his commitment to creating an even stronger economic environment in the state of Texas.

"Small businesses in Texas continue to pave the way for our economic success,” said Governor Abbott. “This session, we have a unique opportunity to make the Texas economy better than ever before. We will do this by reining in skyrocketing property taxes, reforming a broken school finance system, and cutting burdensome red tape that stifles Texas entrepreneurs. By tackling these challenges, we will create an even stronger economic environment for small businesses to succeed, and we will chart a course towards a brighter future for Texas.”

Since 1943, NFIB has served as a powerful voice for small and independent business owners across the United States. NFIB's Texas Small Business Day Conference is an opportunity for business owners to learn more about the issues affecting their profession in both Austin and Washington D.C. through a variety of small business panels and speakers.