Governor Abbott Applauds Sen. Bettencourt, Rep. Dennis Bonnen’s Intention To Author Property Tax Reform Legislation
In the upcoming special legislative session, Sen. Paul Bettencourt and Rep. Dennis Bonnen will author legislation to reform property taxes in Texas. This is one of 20 items that Governor Abbott previously announced will be added to the special session agenda. Governor Abbott issued the following statement expressing his appreciation for the hard work of Sen. Bettencourt and Rep. Bonnen, and the strong support of Rep. Richard Raymond, on this legislation.
“Skyrocketing property taxes in this state are unacceptable, and Texans need reform right now,” said Governor Abbott. “No government should be able to tax residents out of their home, and if we are going to work this summer at the taxpayer’s expense, then let us work on relieving Texas homeowners from out-of-control property taxes. I thank Sen. Bettencourt, Rep. Bonnen and Rep. Raymond for their work to pass meaningful reforms.”
“It is time to recognize the obvious: When property values increase, tax rates should come down,” said Sen. Bettencourt. “Texans cannot continue to withstand property tax bills that are growing 2 1/3 times faster than their income. I look forward to working with Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Patrick in the special session to pass meaningful property tax reform and relief for all Texas taxpayers and businesses."
"At a time when skyrocketing property taxes are rocking Texas homeowners, I am committed to working with the Governor to pass comprehensive property tax reform legislation," said Rep. Dennis Bonnen. "During the regular session, I was proud to author landmark property tax reforms that increased transparency--so that homeowners could see precisely who was raising their taxes--and dramatically reformed the appraisal protest process. I look forward to resuming this fight during the special session and will introduce comprehensive property tax reform legislation that incorporates the sweeping reforms the Texas House passed last spring, as well as any other meaningful measures that will provide relief to Texas' overburdened homeowners."
"I applaud Governor Greg Abbott for adding property tax reform to the agenda,” said Rep. Raymond. “We need to provide taxpayers with property tax relief. As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, I look forward to working with Chairman Dennis Bonnen on passing meaningful reforms."