Governor Abbott Applauds Rep. Huberty, Sen. Campbell’s Intention To Author Annexation Legislation
In the upcoming special legislative session, Rep. Dan Huberty and Sen. Donna Campbell will author legislation to reform and restrict the municipal annexation process. This is one of 20 items that Governor Abbott previously announced will be added to the special session agenda. Governor Abbott issued the following statement applauding Rep. Huberty and Sen. Campbell for tackling this issue in the upcoming special session.
“Cities abusing their authority with forced annexation practices is nothing more than a form of taxation without representation,” said Governor Abbott. “Cities that annex property without the approval from those affected is piracy by government, and it must end. I am grateful for the leadership of Rep. Huberty and Sen. Campbell to reform this unfair practice, and I look forward to working with them and members of both chambers to ensure this legislation reaches my desk.”
"Across Texas, we have seen years of tax abuse through forced municipal annexation,” said Rep. Huberty. “Forced annexation threatens the property rights of Texans, subjecting them to higher taxes and regulations that they did not consent to when they purchased their property. Last session, HB 424/SB 715 would have permitted property owners to have a say in whether or not their property could be annexed by these municipalities, consenting to the higher tax rates in these areas. In Texas, we have to remember that cities do not have a right to vote; citizens do. This bill would have prohibited taxation without representation that currently exists in some of the major metropolitan areas in Texas and allowed voters to have more control over their property."
"Our nation was founded on the right to determine who governs us, yet current law allows cities to determine who they will govern," said Sen. Campbell. "This is backwards and it's why we need annexation reform. I applaud Governor Abbott for guaranteeing Texas citizens the right to vote as part of the annexation process, bringing greater accountability to local governments and limiting the appetite of big cities to tax, spend, and expand with no end in sight."