Fighting Hunger in Texas
September is Hunger Action Month, and I want to do all I can to raise awareness about – and end – the problem of hunger in Texas. An important partner in accomplishing a hunger-free Texas is our food banks. There are 21 food banks across Texas, and I’ve visited several over the last few months to learn about the ways they are helping their fellow Texans in need. These food banks are part of a unified, statewide effort to end hunger in Texas that is led by an organization called Feeding Texas. According to Feeding Texas, one in six Texas households is food insecure, meaning either hungry or at risk of hunger. But thanks to our food banks, millions of Texans each day are getting the help they need through numerous programs. To find the food bank in your area, visit Feeding Texas, and if you are able, donate a dollar or two, an hour or two of your time, or a can or two of food. Every little bit helps. However it is you can help, I encourage all Texans to join our food banks and me in our quest to end hunger in Texas.