April is Volunteer Month

April 27, 2017

Over the last two years, I have had the opportunity to travel all across the Lone Star State: from El Paso to Beaumont, from Amarillo to McAllen, and many communities in between. I have met so many individuals, and visited numerous organizations, who are so willing to give their time, talent, or treasure to help their fellow Texans.

That is why I have made promoting service and volunteerism my top priority as First Lady, and that is why I established my Texanthropy initiative. Through Texanthropy, I am bringing together the two things that I am most passionate about – Texas and philanthropy.

Indeed, lending a hand to those in need is a timeless Texas tradition.

From building homes for veterans and mentoring students to visiting patients in hospitals and walking homeless dogs – no matter the cause, volunteers provide a priceless gift to their communities.

Each April, we celebrate all of those who volunteer in one way or another by designating April as Volunteer Month.

Because of the generosity, kindness, and hard work of the countless Texans who volunteer, the Lone Star State is a better place.

To all Texans who have answered the call to service through volunteerism: I want to say “thank you” for helping to make Texas such an extraordinary place to call home.