Governor Abbott Eases Regulations On Physicians-In-Training To Increase Health Care Capacity In Texas

April 11, 2020 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott has waived certain regulations related to restrictions on physicians-in-training (PIT) permit holders in order to increase health care capacity through the state's response to COVID-19. With these waivers, Texas hospitals and facilities associated with Graduate Medical Education (GME) training programs will be able to utilize PIT permit holders, with proper physician oversight, in areas outside of their GME training program. For example, under these temporary waivers, residents in a surgery residency program can assist in an Emergency Department if a surge of patients is experienced. These waivers will increase the availability of medically trained individuals to help assist the COVID-19 response.

"These temporary waivers will expand the staffing capacity of our hospitals and medical facilities, ensuring Texans will have access to the care needed during the response to COVID-19," said Governor Abbott. "I am grateful for all the frontline health care workers across the state serving their fellow Texans during this challenging time."