First Lady Cecilia Abbott Delivers Commencement Address At The University Of Texas At Arlington
First Lady Cecilia Abbott delivered the commencement address this evening at the joint graduation ceremony for the College of Education and the College of Science at the University of Texas at Arlington, where she congratulated the Class of 2018 on their academic achievements and encouraged them to live a connected life.
“As Texans, we really are all one family; we are all connected,” said First Lady Abbott. “In fact, we live in such a connected world, it’s easy to disconnect from real life. We can travel anywhere, anytime, anyplace by simply touching the screen on our phone. To escape is easy. The real challenge is to live a connected life.
“You will leave UT Arlington with an amazing head start. Here, you have been nurtured in an environment that values excellence, ingenuity and diversity. As you take the next step — starting your career, starting your next degree, starting on your life’s path — stay plugged in to real life. Focus on your family, the people around you, the people closest to you each day. Those are the connections that matter most.”
A former teacher and principal, Cecilia Abbott attended the University of Texas at Austin before subsequently earning three degrees from the University of St. Thomas in Houston: a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in education and a master’s degree in theology.
In November, the University of Texas at Arlington honored Governor Greg Abbott with the President’s Medal at its 54th annual Distinguished Alumni Awards. Governor Abbott studied finance at UT Arlington before earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration from UT Austin and a law degree from Vanderbilt University Law School.