Appointments Office
Searching for the most qualified individuals in Texas to lead boards, commissions and other oversight groups in service to our state.
Budget & Policy
Guiding the Governor on key policy issues, especially those pertaining to his statutory role as Texas’ Chief Budget Officer.
Child Sex Trafficking Team
Working to prevent victimization and to recognize, recover, heal, and bring justice to survivors.
Commission for Women
Promoting opportunities for Texas women through outreach, education, research and referral services.
Committee on People with Disabilities
Pursuing a vision where people with disabilities have full and equal access for independent, productive and self-determined lives.
Economic Development
Promoting Texas with expanding companies and visitors from across the country and all over the world.
Human Resources
Leading talent recruitment efforts, offering employee policy and program support, and directing student applications to the Texas Governor's Fellowship Program.
Public Safety Office
Enhancing public safety through strategic direction and investments in programs that enhance the criminal justice system, support victims of crime and prevent terrorism.
Regulatory Compliance Division
Providing an independent, legal review of certain state agency rules affecting market competition.
Sexual Assault Survivors’ Task Force
Building a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, collaborative and coordinated response to sexual violence experienced by adults and children in Texas.
Small Business Assistance
Connecting entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses with the resources they need to be successful.
Texas Film Commission
Promoting production-related services and resources to the media production industries of Texas.
Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Continuing Texas’ proud military history by working to preserve and expand the state’s 15 major military installations.
Texas Music Office
Serving as the information clearinghouse and promotion office for the Texas vibrant music industry.
Texas Office of State-Federal Relations
Advocating for the interest of Texas to the Administration, Congress and federal agencies.
Travel Texas
Working in partnership with local convention & visitor bureaus, chambers of commerce, and the travel and tourism industry to promote economic development through domestic and international tourism.
Texas Workforce Investment Council
Improving the quality of our state’s workforce through education and training.
Additional Organizations
Financial Services
Ensuring that all financial transactions set the highest standard for the state of Texas.
Constituent Communication
Providing an opportunity for dialogue between the Governor and the people of Texas.
General Counsel
Providing legal advice on a broad range of issues encountered in leading the second-largest state in the nation.
Internal Audit
Bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.
Office of Compliance and Monitoring
Ensuring effective and efficient compliance and financial monitoring of grant recipients and other awardees, while helping various trusteed programs manage risk for improved decision-making.
Communications Office
Providing support for the Governor and his initiatives by effectively informing Texans through a coordinated communications strategy.
Scheduling and Advance
Organizing the logistics of the Governor’s attendance at local, state, national and international events, as well as responding to requests for the Governor’s time.
Homeland Security Grants Division
Supporting strategies to prevent terrorism and other catastrophic events while preparing communities for the threats and hazards that pose great risk to Texas and the nation.