Governor Abbott Appoints Thibodeaux To Advisory Council on Postsecondary Education for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The council was created by the 86th legislative session to address barriers to accessing higher education for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Estevez Presiding Judge Of Ninth Administrative Judicial Region
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Ana Estevez as the Presiding Judge of the Ninth Administrative Judicial Region for a term set to expire four years from the date of qualification.
Governor Abbott Appoints Payne To Cancer Prevention And Research Institute Of Texas Oversight Committee
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Cindy Barberio Payne to the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Oversight Committee for a term set to expire on January 31, 2025.
Governor Abbott Appoints Alanis And Huizar To Texas Municipal Retirement System Board of Trustees
The board oversees the Texas Municipal Retirement System, which is responsible for providing a secure retirement benefit plan for eligible employees of more than 800 cities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Moody To Governor’s University Research Initiative Advisory Board
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Walker Moody to the Governor's University Research Initiative Advisory Board for a term at the pleasure of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Appoints Faubion To Advisory Committee To The Texas Board Of Criminal Justice On Offenders With Medical Or Mental Impairments
The committee advises the board and the director of the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments on matters related to offenders with medical or mental impairment.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Reiser And Walker To Coastal Water Authority Board of Directors
Governor Abbott has reappointed Thomas “Tom” Reiser and Douglas “Doug” Walker to the Coastal Water Authority Board of Directors for terms set to expire on April 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Jefferson And Orange County Board Of Pilot Commissioners
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Chris Guy and reappointed Shawn M. Sparrow and Milton “Brad” Taylor to the Jefferson and Orange County Board of Pilot Commissioners for terms to expire on August 22, 2021.