Webinar Archive - Emergency Management

The Accessibility and Disability Policy Webinars are free, real-time captioned sessions held on a monthly basis that cover a variety of topics regarding people with disabilities in ten issue areas. Topics of interest can benefit employers, governmental entities, service providers and individuals with disabilities.

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Hurricane Preparedness for the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing

Presented on June 28, 2023

Hurricane season has arrived again in Texas. It’s time to be prepared! Did you know that hurricanes can travel as far as 200 miles inland?

Hurricanes can become dangerous storms that cause flooding and tornados as far as Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas. It takes just one bad weather experience to change your life if you’re not prepared for it. People with hearing loss have unique needs that may be different from other Texans.

The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in Texas Health and Human Services are partnering to share common challenges for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Texans during hurricanes in addition to how to prepare for and respond to them.

Slides for Hurricane Preparedness for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing

Transcript for Hurricane Preparedness for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing

Emergency Solutions for Powering Durable Medical Equipment and Assistive Technology

Presented on April 27, 2022
This session will provide planning resources for back up power during emergencies for up to 72 hours to support durable medical equipment (DME) and assistive technology (AT) needs for people with disabilities and those who are aging. Presenters include Ron Lucey, Executive Director, Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities and Angela Mercurio-Standridge, Director of the Texas Technology Access Program (TTAP) at the Texas Center for Disability Studies (TCDS), University of Texas at Austin.

Before, During and After Disasters: Key Considerations for People with Disabilities

Presented on September 15, 2021
September is National Preparedness Month. As many Texas communities have experienced over the last couple of years, it is imperative for individuals and families to be prepared for a variety of manmade and national emergencies. It is important for individuals with disabilities to consider individual circumstances and needs to effectively prepare for emergencies and disasters. Join us for an overview of key considerations that individuals with disabilities should consider before, during, and after a disaster. The presentation will also provide a synopsis of how FEMA supports individuals with disabilities that are impacted by a disaster. Presenters included Tammy Goodwin, FEMA Disability Integration Advisor for Texas.

The Disaster Recovery Toolkit for Individuals with Disabilities

Presented on September 16, 2020
Individuals with disabilities often encounter disproportionate barriers during the recovery phase following disasters. Dr. Sharp and Dr. Stough will introduce a toolkit developed to aid case managers, long-term recovery groups, VOADs, educators, emergency managers, disability-related organizations and individuals with disabilities and/or access and functional needs during the recovery phase of disaster. Discussed will be housing, education, transportation, medical and mental health, as well as five other support areas essential to recovery. Resources and services available in these critical areas will be reviewed.

Inclusive Emergency Planning and Personal Preparedness

Presented on September 25, 2019
This webinar will identify what inclusive emergency plans are, why they are important to people with disabilities, and how to ensure community plans reflect the needs of all people in their community. We will explore strategies and practices that can be incorporated into daily activities to assist people with disabilities to become personally prepared for an emergency and to build asset-based communities of preparedness. This webinar will provide examples and best practices for every individual to become personally prepared and disaster resilient. Presented by Ms. Skaggs, the National Director of Whole Community Planning and Training for BCFS Health and Human Services Emergency Management Division.

Disaster Preparedness and Family Members with Disabilities

Presented on September 29, 2018 
When planning ahead for a potential disaster, it is important for families to take into consideration the specific needs of all the members of your family. This session will give attendees strategies and techniques to plan more effectively for their unique family needs.

Preparing for the Unexpected: Emergency Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities

Presented on September 27, 2018
This session will highlight the importance of being proactive with preparing and the specific steps to take to ensure that you are ready for the unexpected. The presenter will provide preparedness tips surrounding specific disabilities, such as blind/low vision, deaf/hard of hearing, cognitive disabilities, etc. There will be opportunities for questions during the webinar and at the end of the session.