Governor Abbott Reappoints Scott To Gulf Coast Authority Board Of Directors
Governor Greg Abbott reappointed Kevin Scott to the Gulf Coast Authority Board of Directors for a term set to expire on August 31, 2026.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Nursing Facility Administrators Advisory Committee
Governor Greg Abbott appointed Kimberly Posey, Ph.D. and Regina Franklin and reappointed Carla Smith to the Nursing Facility Administrators Advisory Committee for terms set to expire on February 1, 2031.
Governor Abbott Congratulates Brownwood As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community
Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Brownwood on being designated as a Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.
El Gobernador Abbott Activa Los Recursos De Respuesta De Emergencia Del Estado Ante Amenazas De Tormentas Severas, Riesgo De Inundaciones Repentinas
El Gobernador Greg Abbott dirigió hoy a la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas (TDEM) a activar los recursos de respuesta de emergencia del estado debido a las crecientes amenazas de condiciones meteorológicas severas e inundaciones repentinas en grandes áreas del estado hasta el fin de semana.
Governor Abbott Launches NARCAN Locator Map As Part Of “One Pill Kills” Campaign
Governor Greg Abbott announced the launch of an online interactive map by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) that pinpoints where Texans can acquire for free or purchase life-saving Naloxone (NARCAN) as part of the statewide “One Pill Kills” campaign.
Governor Abbott Announces Action Taken Against East Plano Islamic Center
Texas Funeral Service Commission Sends Cease And Desist Letter For Criminal Actions
Governor Abbott, Governor Ducey Boost School Choice Support In Texas
Governor Greg Abbott today boosted the growing support for school choice in Texas during a media availability with former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker Dustin Burrows at the Texas Capitol in Austin.
Governor Abbott Congratulates Stephenville As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community
Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Stephenville on being designated as a Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.