Webinar Archive - Health

The Accessibility and Disability Policy Webinars are free, real-time captioned sessions held on a monthly basis that cover a variety of topics regarding people with disabilities in ten issue areas. Topics of interest can benefit employers, governmental entities, service providers and individuals with disabilities.

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Emergency Solutions for Powering Durable Medical Equipment and Assistive Technology

Presented on April 27, 2022
This session will provide planning resources for back up power during emergencies for up to 72 hours to support durable medical equipment (DME) and assistive technology (AT) needs for people with disabilities and those who are aging. Presenters include Ron Lucey, Executive Director, Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities and Angela Mercurio-Standridge, Director of the Texas Technology Access Program (TTAP) at the Texas Center for Disability Studies (TCDS), University of Texas at Austin.

Texas Brain Injury Programs: An Integrated Approach to Supports

Presented on March 22, 2022
In recognition of Brain Injury Awareness month, the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities brings you this session. The Brain Injury Programs, under the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), aim to provide resource facilitation and access to rehabilitation services and supports for persons in various stages of recovery as well as awareness, education, and prevention throughout the state of Texas. This presentation will give an overview of the specialized services and supports that each program offers. This includes support to those with an injury, their families, and the community. The Presenters will also discuss program eligibility, access to services, and the integration of a person-centered, wraparound approach to comprehensive services.

Overcoming Barriers to Vaccination for Persons with Disabilities

Presented on September 23, 2021
Disability Rights Texas has spearheaded a partnership with stakeholders and disability advocates to form a statewide coalition called Texas Partners for Inclusive Access (TPIA). The primary goal of TPIA is to expand access to COVID-19 vaccines for people with disabilities and older adults. The session will be a discussion of the TPIA- Vaccine Access Initiative.

COVID-19 Vaccine and People with Disabilities

Presented on March 9, 2021
The Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD) invites you to join us for an important question and answer webinar focusing on COVID-19 vaccines and people with disabilities. Dr. John Hellerstedt, Commissioner of the Department of State Health Service (DSHS), and others will answer your questions on COVID-19 vaccines, eligibility, and how to find vaccine providers in your community.

Substance Abuse, the Workplace, and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Presented on June 12, 2020
This webinar will focus on substance abuse issues that may arise in the workplace. In particular, we will examine how employers can best approach and support employees who may be struggling with addiction. This session will also explore the rights conferred to employees with substance abuse issues under Title I of the ADA as well as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Presenter: George Powers, JD, Legal Specialist at the Southwest ADA Center.

Job Accommodations for Mental Health Impairments

Presented on May 5, 2020
Job accommodations can be vital for the successful employment of individuals with mental health impairments. Knowing how, when, and why it might be necessary to disclose a disability is the first and often most difficult part of the accommodation process. This session will provide information on the disclosure of mental health impairments in the workplace, the limitations associated with these impairments, and the accommodations that might be needed. Real-life accommodation situations and solutions will be interspersed throughout the session. A question and answer session will be included at the end.

Melanie Whetzel, M.A., CBIS
Job Accommodation Network, Lead Consultant, Cognitive / Neurological Team

HHSC and TEA COVID-19 Disability Policy Q&A

Presented on April 17, 2020
The Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities (GCPD) invites you to join us for an important question and answer webinar focusing on health and education policy considerations for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. A follow-up to our previous COVID-19: Considerations for People with Disabilities, this webinar will be held on Friday, April 17th from 10:00-11:30am.

Justin Porter, State Director of Special Education at the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and representatives from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will answer your questions on COVID-19 and its impact on health and education policy. GCPD will be taking questions in advance in order for our panelists to be able to provide immediate answers.

COVID-19: Considerations for Individuals with Disabilities

Presented on April 1, 2020
Community preparedness planning and response for COVID-19 should include older adults and people with disabilities, as well as the organizations that support them. The majority of people with disabilities live in the community, and many depend on receiving services and supports in their home in order to maintain their health and independence. This webinar will give an overview of how best to include people with disabilities in emergency preparedness, as well as provide information on resources for people in the community.

Everything You Need to Know About Developmental Disabilities in Texas

Presented on March 5, 2019
In recognition of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Awareness Month, the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) will cover everything you need to know about DD – from the principles outlined in the DD Act originally passed in 1963 to the work being done today to build community capacity and change systems in Texas. In the webinar, you’ll find out about TCDD’s cutting-edge projects, strategic public policy efforts, and innovative public awareness campaigns. Participate in the webinar to learn how you can get involved and replicate TCDD initiatives in your community.

Supported Decision Making: An Alternative to Guardianship

Presented on February 7, 2018
Most people with disabilities can manage their own affairs with assistance and guidance from a person whom they trust and do not need a guardian. There are many alternatives to guardianship that give people with disabilities support to make decisions without taking away their rights. During the 84th Texas Legislative Session in 2015, legislators passed new laws that made Texas the first state to have laws recognizing supported decision-making agreements as an alternative to guardianship. Supported decision-making allows individuals to make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving the help and assistance they need to do so. Presented by Richard LaVallo, Disability Rights Texas.