Disabilities History
Texas Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month
During the 82nd Legislative Session, HB 3616 was passed which designates October as Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month. The bill will encourage public schools and state agencies to celebrate the accomplishments of people with disabilities, highlighting the achievements of Texans with disabilities who made significant contributions to the state and the extraordinary Americans who led the way in the disability rights movement. The bill’s intent is to increase public awareness of the many achievements of people with disabilities, to encourage public understanding of the disability rights movement, and to reaffirm the local, state, and federal commitment to providing equality and inclusion for people with disabilities.
To that end, the Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities offers the following resources to facilitate celebrations of Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month.
The ceremonial signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act by President George
H.W. Bush on July 26, 1990. He is joined on stage by Texas disability rights activist
Justin Dart (right). The Americans with Disabilities Act is a broad civil rights law that
prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. The crowd that gathered to
witness the signing was one of the largest for any signing in White House history.
To see a video of the signing ceremony, visit the ADA Streaming Video Gallery
and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Materials to Promote the Month
Please feel free to download, print, and distribute these materials widely.

Barbara Jordan was a prominent Texas lawyer, politician, and civil rights activist. Ms. Jordan developed multiple sclerosis and used a wheelchair in her later years.
Please feel free to download, print, and distribute these proclamations widely.
Texas Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month Proclamation 2015 (PDF)
Texas Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month Proclamation 2015 (Word)
National Disability Employment Awareness Month Proclamation 2015 (PDF)
National Disability Employment Awareness Month Proclamation 2015 (Word)
Texas, National, and International Disability History Timeline

Justin Dart, past chair of the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities and long-standing disability rights activist. Mr. Dart was instrumental in the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Disability History Month Facts, 2011 – 2015 (PDF)
Disability History Month Facts, 2011 – 2015 (Word)
A Brief History of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
National Resources
Disability History Museum
The Disability History Museum's mission is to foster a deeper understanding about how changing cultural values, notions of identity, laws and policies have shaped and influenced the experience of people with disabilities, their families and their communities over time.
History Through Deaf Eyes
Developed by Gallaudet University, History Through Deaf Eyes is a traveling social history exhibition aligning nearly 200 years of United States history with the experiences of people who are Deaf.
National Consortium on Leadership & Disability for Youth
This guide is designed to assist youth with and without disabilities to learn about the rich history of people with disabilities.
PDF of Disability History Timeline
Disability Social History Project
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
This site offers a virtual tour of the Disability Rights Movement Exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.