Border Programs

Operation Stonegarden Grant Program (OPSG) - Supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to secure the Texas/Mexico and international water border.
Local Border Security Program (LBSP) - Supports intelligence sharing and enhanced law enforcement presence in communities across the Texas/Mexico border region. LBSP-funded agencies contribute significantly to disrupting and deterring the operations of gangs and cartel criminal organizations.
Border Prosecution Unit (BPU) - Supports prosecution resources and training as part of a collaborative initiative of District Attorney’s Offices to more effectively investigate and prosecute border-related offenses along the border as well as in county’s that are significantly affected by border-related crimes.
Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) - Supports regional, multidisciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through the coordination of gang prevention, intervention, and suppression activities across the state.
National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) - Enables local law enforcement agencies to upgrade their technology infrastructure to support the submission of data to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
Military Cameras (MC) - This program enhances border security by providing funds for Texas Military Department personnel to install and regularly maintain cameras that are part of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s event driven surveillance system known as "Drawbridge".