Noticias – Appointment
Governor Abbott Reappoints Scott To Gulf Coast Authority Board Of Directors
Governor Greg Abbott reappointed Kevin Scott to the Gulf Coast Authority Board of Directors for a term set to expire on August 31, 2026.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Nursing Facility Administrators Advisory Committee
Governor Greg Abbott appointed Kimberly Posey, Ph.D. and Regina Franklin and reappointed Carla Smith to the Nursing Facility Administrators Advisory Committee for terms set to expire on February 1, 2031.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas Tech University System Board Of Regents
Governor Greg Abbott appointed Doug McReaken and Donald R. Sinclair and reappointed Dustin R. Womble to the Texas Tech University (TTU) System Board of Regents for terms set to expire on January 31, 2031.
Governor Abbott Appoints Robinson As Austin County Criminal District Attorney
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Brandy Robinson as the Austin County Criminal District Attorney for a term set to expire on December 31, 2026, or until her successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Keeney To Board Of Pilot Commissioners For Harris County Ports
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Jon Keeney to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for Harris County Ports for a term set to expire on February 1, 2027.
Governor Abbott Appoints Five To OneStar National Service Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Grace Yocum to the OneStar National Service Commission for a term set to expire on March 15, 2026.
Governor Abbott Congratulates Freeport As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community
Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Freeport on being designated as a Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To OneStar Foundation
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Kathy Kabell and Rev. Moises Molina and appointed John Fisher to the OneStar Foundation for terms set to expire on March 15, 2028.