
Jun 5

Governor Abbott Signs State Agency Contracting Reform Legislation

Governor Greg Abbott has signed legislation implementing key reforms to enhance reporting and increase transparency and accountability in state contracting.

Press Release

Jun 5

Governor Abbott Announces New Leadership At HHSC

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Texas Health and Human Services Commission Executive Commissioner Dr. Kyle Janek has expressed his intention to resign, effective July 1, 2015.

Press Release

Jun 5

Governor Abbott Signs Legislation Championing Texas Veterans

Governor Greg Abbott today hosted a signing ceremony at VFW Post 76 in San Antonio, the oldest VFW hall in Texas, highlighting multiple bills to implement his veterans’ initiative.

Press Release

Jun 5

WEB VIDEO: Governor Abbott Elevates Higher Education In Texas

The Office of the Governor today released a web video following Governor Greg Abbott signing his emergency higher education initiatives into law yesterday.

Press Release

Jun 4

Governor Abbott Signs Legislation To Elevate Texas’ Higher Education System

Governor Greg Abbott today signed Senate Bill 632 (Fraser, R-Horseshoe Bay; Button, R-Richardson) to implement the Governor’s University Research Initiative, an emergency item declared by the Governor that will attract nationally-recognized researchers and Nobel Laureates to Texas institutions of higher education.

Press Release

Jun 3

Governor Abbott Adds Counties To Disaster Declaration

Governor Greg Abbott, issued Emergency Disaster Proclamations on May 11, May 15, May 25, May 26 and May 29, 2015, certifying that the severe weather, tornado and flooding event that began on May 4, 2015, has caused a disaster in many Texas counties. Disaster conditions persist in many parts of the state.


Jun 3

WEB VIDEO: Governor Abbott Paves Way For Historic Transportation Funding Increase

The Office of Governor Greg Abbott today released a web video highlighting Governor Abbott’s transportation funding initiative, which he named as an emergency item this legislative session, and the resulting legislation enacting his plan to build more roads without raising fees, taxes, tolls or debt.

Press Release

Jun 2

Governor Abbott Signs Bills To Improve Transportation In Texas

Governor Greg Abbott today hosted a ceremonial bill signing on the heliport at the Dallas Convention Center where he discussed the investments in transportation infrastructure made this legislative session.

Press Release