
Sep 9

Governor Abbott Reappoints Brady Presiding Officer Of Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority

The regional mobility authority is a political subdivision that allows local transportation planning and project delivery leaders to partner with the state to deliver transportation infrastructure projects that serve Grayson County.

Sep 9

Governor Greg Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Three To Statewide Health Coordinating Council

The council ensures health care services and facilities are available to all Texans through health planning activities.

Sep 8

Governor Abbott Reappoints Oakley To Board of Pilot Commissioners for Harris County Ports

Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Bruce Oakley to the Board of Pilot Commissioners for Harris County Ports for a term set to expire on September 1, 2022.

Aug 24

Governor Abbott Appoints Robertson To 385th Judicial District Court

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Leah G. Robertson as Judge of the 385th Judicial District Court in Midland County for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until her successor shall be duly elected and qualified.

Aug 24

Governor Abbott Appoints Browning To Fifth Court of Appeals

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed John G. Browning to the Fifth Court of Appeals for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.

Aug 21

Governor Abbott Appoints Skinner To 144th Judicial District Court

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Melisa Skinner as Judge of the 144th Judicial District Court in Bexar County for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until her successor shall be duly elected and qualified.

Aug 21

Governor Abbott Appoints Landrum To 164th Judicial District Court

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Michael Landrum as Judge of the 164th Judicial District Court in Harris County for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.

Aug 20

Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Three To Texas Board of Respiratory Care

The board advises the Texas Medical Board, adopts rules to establish the certification and permitting program for respiratory therapists and sets minimum qualifications for respiratory care practitioners, standards of conduct and grounds for disciplinary actions.