Governor Abbott Reappoints Brady Presiding Officer Of Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Robert Brady as presiding officer of the Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire on February 1, 2022. The regional mobility authority is a political subdivision that allows local transportation planning and project delivery leaders to partner with the state to deliver transportation infrastructure projects that serve Grayson County.
Robert Brady of Denison is a former mayor and city council member of Denison and is retired from Johnson & Johnson in Sherman. He is a member of the Denison Development Alliance Board of Directors, where he previously served as chair. He is also a member of the Denison Education Foundation, Denison Community Foundation, and the First Christian Church Board of Elders. He is past chairman of the Texoma Solid Waste Authority and Grayson County Meals on Wheels and a past member of the Denison Boys Club, Grayson County Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Denison Library Board. Brady attended Grayson College, East Texas State University, and Southeastern Oklahoma State University.