Governor Abbott Appoints Six To The Governor’s Committee On People With Disabilities
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Saul Herrera and reappointed Elizabeth Dickey, Marilou Fowler, Archer Hadley, Linda Millstone and Dylan Rafaty to the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities for terms set to expire February 1, 2019.
Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Five To The Texas Commission On The Arts
Governor Greg Abbott names Chair and appoints five to the Texas Commission on the Arts.
Governor Abbott Appoints Seven To The Texas Military Preparedness Commission
Governor Abbott has appointed Annie L. Sobel, M.D. and James Whitmore and re-appointed Thomas Duncavage, Woody Gilliland and A.F. “Tom” Thomas for a term set to expire February 1, 2023. Additionally, he has appointed Kenneth Sheets and Garry Bradford.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Black And Jeffries To Texas Appraiser Licensing And Certification Board
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Clayton Black and James Jeffries to the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board for terms set to expire January 31, 2023.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Baer To The Office Of Public Utility Counsel
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Tonya Baer to the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) for a term to expire February 1, 2019.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Brannan Commissioner Of Workers’ Compensation
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Ryan Brannan Commissioner of Workers' Compensation at the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) for a term to expire February 1, 2019.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Barta As Injured Employee Public Counsel
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Jessica Barta to the Injured Employee Public Counsel for a term set to expire February 1, 2019.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Foster-Smith To Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board Of Directors
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Linda Foster-Smith to the Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board of Directors for a term set to expire July 1, 2021.