Noticias – Appointment
Governor Abbott Appoints Treviño To Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Judy Treviño to the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas State Board Of Examiners of Marriage And Family Therapists
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Anthony Scoma to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Thomas Presiding Officer Of North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Linda R. Thomas presiding officer of the North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire February 1, 2020.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Holder And Jenkins To Jefferson And Orange County Board Of Pilot Commissioners
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Charles E. “Charlie” Holder and William G. “Will” Jenkins, III to the Jefferson and Orange County Board of Pilot Commissioners for terms to expire on August 22, 2020.
Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To Trinity River Authority Board Of Directors
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Christina Melton Crain, Tori Lucas, and Joe McCleskey and appointed Megan Deen, Jerry House, Steve Roberts, Dave Ward, and Cathy Altman to the Trinity River Authority Board of Directors.
Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To TexNet Technical Advisory Committee
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Dan Hill, Chris Hillman, Dana Jurick, Hal Macartney, Kris Nygaard, Brian Stump, and Robie Vaughn, and Aaron Velasco to the TexNet Technical Advisory Committee for terms at the pleasure of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Lynd Presiding Officer Of Alamo Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Michael Lynd, Jr. as presiding officer of the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire February 1, 2020.
Governor Abbott Appoints Monroe As The Texas State Historian
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Monte L. Monroe, Ph.D. as the Texas State Historian for a term set to expire on September 26, 2020.