Governor Abbott Reappoints Three To State Independent Living Council
The council develops the State Plan for Independent Living and serves as a resource to state and local organizations on Independent Living and related issues for persons with disabilities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To State Board of Criminal Justice
The board provides confinement, supervision, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the state’s convicted felons.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Medary Presiding Judge Of Fifth Administrative Judicial Region
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Missy Medary as the presiding judge of the Fifth Administrative Judicial Region for a term set to expire four years from the date of qualification.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Bickerstaff To Board For Lease Of Texas Parks And Wildlife Lands
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Clifton “Cliff” Bickerstaff to the Board for Lease of Texas Parks and Wildlife Lands for a term set to expire on September 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Hodge to Sulphur Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jay Hodge as the presiding officer of the Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority to complete the remainder of a two-year term that will expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Mundy To Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission
The Compact Commission oversees and provides for the efficient management and disposal of low-level radioactive waste while working to protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens and the environment.
Governor Abbott Appoints Brown To Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jed Alton Brown as the presiding officer of the Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority to complete the remainder of a two-year term that will expire on February 1, 2020.
Governor Abbott Appoints Todd To Sabine River Authority Board Of Directors
The purpose of the Sabine River Authority is to conserve, store, control, preserve, utilize and distribute the storm and flood waters and the waters of the Sabine River and its tributaries.