Governor Greg Abbott Headshot

Gobernador Greg Abbott

Nombrado "el Mejor Gobernador de la Nación" en 2020, el gobernador Greg Abbott continúa construyendo sobre su historial como un líder conservador fuerte que lucha por mantener los valores de Texas.


El gobernador Abbott tiene muchas cosas que quiere lograr para que Texas sea más fuerte y esté lista para el futuro.

Las Iniciativas del Gobernador


El Gobernador Greg Abbott y su personal desean escuchar sus opiniones. Haga clic a continuación y déjenos saber cómo podemos ayudarlo.

Póngase en contacto con el gobernador Ab

Jun 28

Texas Upholds National Security In President Biden’s Absence

Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard continue to work together to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry.

Jun 27

Texas Wins 11th Gold Shovel Award For Attracting Job-Creating Business Investments

Governor Greg Abbott today celebrated Texas again being recognized with a Gold Shovel Award by Area Development magazine for leading among the most populous states in attracting high-value economic development projects that will create a significant number of new jobs.

Jun 26

Governor Abbott Announces Executive Director Of Texas Space Commission

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Norman Roy Garza, Jr. has been named as the Executive Director of the Texas Space Commission.

Jun 25

Governor Abbott Announces Seven Counties Added To Federal Disaster Declaration For Severe Weather

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved seven additional Texas counties for the Federal Disaster Declaration for severe weather and flooding that began on April 26.

Jun 25

Texas Is America’s Undisputed Jobs Leader With Most Jobs Added

Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated Texans and Texas employers on adding the most jobs in the nation over the last 12 months following the release of employment data by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Ver todas las noticias

Equipo contra Tráfico Sexual Infantil

Trabajar para prevenir la victimización y para reconocer, recuperar, restaurar y hacer justicia a los sobrevivientes.

Oficina de Citas

Buscar las personas más calificadas en Texas para dirigir juntas, comisiones y otros grupos de supervisión en servicio a nuestro estado.

Desarrollo Económico

Promover a Texas con empresas en expansión y visitantes de todo el país y de todo el mundo.