Noticias – Proclamation

May 12

Governor Abbott Extended The Disaster Declaration In May 2020 For Texas Counties Affected By Hurricane Harvey

Governor Abbott Extended The Disaster Declaration In May 2020 For Texas Counties Affected By Hurricane Harvey.

May 11

Governor Abbott Issues Proclamation Regarding July 14th Early Voting For Special, Runoff Elections

Governor Abbott Issues Proclamation Regarding July 14th Early Voting For Special, Runoff Elections

May 8

Governor Abbott Issues Proclamation To Allow Midland County Hospital District To Hold Its Special Election On July 14, 2020

Governor Greg Abbott Issues Proclamation to allow the Midland County Hospital District to order its special election to occur on July 14, 2020.

May 5

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order To Expand Openings Of Certain Businesses and Activities

Governor Greg Abbott announced he will be issuing an Executive Order to expand openings of certain businesses and activities.

Apr 28

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Relating To Expanding Travel Without Restrictions

Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order relating to expanding travel without restrictions as part of the safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID-19 disaster.

Apr 28

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Relating To Hospital Capacity

Governor Abbott issues an executive order relating to hospital capacity during the COVID-19 disaster.

Apr 28

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Relating To The Expanded Reopening Of Services

Governor Abbott issues an executive order relating to the expanded reopening of services as part of the safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID-19 disaster.

Apr 17

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order To Establish The Open Texas Strike Force

The Strike Force is created to advise the governor on safely and strategically restarting and revitalizing all aspects of the Lone Star State—work, school, entertainment, and culture.