Governor Abbott Appoints Guthrie To Nueces River Authority Board Of Directors
Governor Abbott has appointed Lana Guthrie to the Nueces River Authority Board of Directors for a term set to expire on February 1, 2025.
Governor Abbott Appoints Mack To Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Hasan Mack (“Mack”) to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a term set to expire on November 15, 2025.
Governor Abbott Appoints Miranda To Texas Military Preparedness Commission
The Commission's goal is to preserve, protect, expand, and attract new military missions, assets, and installations.
Governor Abbott Appoints Jones To Texas Diabetes Council
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Dirrell Jones to the Texas Diabetes Council for a term set to expire on February 1, 2025.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Dorton To Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee
he committee reviews, for the Higher Education Coordinating Board, applications for approval and funding of family practice residency training programs and related support programs.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Norris As Adjutant General of Texas
General Norris is the first female to be appointed Adjutant General of Texas.
Governor Abbott Appoints Four To One-Call Board of Texas
The board has authority over “Call Before You Dig” systems that notify the underground facility operators for excavation plans so pipelines and utility lines can be marked to prevent accidents.
Governor Abbott Appoints Miller And Young To Texas Early Learning Council
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Reagan Miller and Audrey Young to the Texas Early Learning Council for terms at to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.