
May 20

Governor Abbott Appoints Greenberg And Names Chair Of Correctional Managed Health Care Committee

The committee coordinates the development of statewide policies for the delivery of correctional health care within the criminal justice system.

May 19

Governor Abbott Appoints Burrow To State Board of Criminal Justice

The Texas Board of Criminal Justice provides confinement, supervision, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the state’s convicted felons.

May 11

Governor Abbott Appoints Streepey And Moore To State Board For Educator Certification

The board develops certification and continuing education requirements and standards of conduct for public school teachers.

May 11

Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To Texas Crime Victims’ Institute Advisory Council

The council is charged with conducting an in-depth analysis of the impact of crime on victims, close relatives of deceased victims, guardians of victims, and society.

May 11

Governor Abbott Reappoints Three To Governing Board Of The Texas Indigent Defense Commission

The commission provides financial and technical support to counties to develop and maintain quality, cost-effective indigent defense systems.

May 4

Governor Abbott Names Chair, Vice Chair And Reappoints 11 To Governor’s Commission for Women

Housed within the Office of the Governor, the Governor’s Commission for Women specializes in outreach, education, research, and referral services.

May 4

Governor Abbott Appoints Habert To 50th Judicial District Court

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jennifer A. Habert to the 50th Judicial District Court in Baylor, Cottle, King and Knox Counties.

Apr 27

Governor Greg Abbott Appoints Seven To Housing And Health Services Coordination Council

The council works to increase state efforts to offer service-enriched housing through increased interagency coordination.