
Aug 17

Governor Abbott Appoints Four To Texas Physician Assistant Board

The board issues physician assistant licenses to qualified individuals to practice in the State of Texas.

Aug 12

Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas Board Of Architectural Examiners

The board is a multi-profession regulatory agency that oversees the examination, registration, and professional regulation of architects, interior designers, and landscape architects.

Aug 11

Governor Abbott Reappoints Brown To Webb County-City of Laredo Regional Mobility Authority

The regional mobility authority is a political subdivision that allows local transportation planning and project delivery leaders to partner with the state to deliver transportation infrastructure projects that serve Webb County and the City of Laredo.

Aug 11

Governor Abbott Reappoints Three To OneStar Foundation

The OneStar Foundation provides technical assistance, education, information and other support to Texas’ extensive volunteer community, and improving and strengthening the state’s volunteerism and community service infrastructure.

Aug 6

Governor Abbott Appoints Brock To Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council

The council advises the commission and the legislature on research, diagnosis, treatment, and education related to pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.

Aug 6

Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Four To Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners

The board has licensing, examination, and rulemaking responsibilities in the field of acupuncture.

Aug 5

Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To Texas Industrialized Building Code Council

The council oversees the state program regulating industrialized housing and buildings.

Jul 30

Governor Abbott Appoints Five And Names Chair To Advisory Council On Emergency Medical Services

The council recommends changes to the EMS/Trauma System in order to ensure that the community receives comprehensive and efficient emergency care.