Noticias – Appointment
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas Southern University Board Of Regents
Governor Greg Abbott today appointed Wesley Terrell of Dallas, Derrick Mitchell of Houston and re-appointed Marilyn Agatha Rose of Houston to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents for terms to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Barnard Judge Of 89th District Court
Governor Greg Abbott today appointed Charles M. Barnard of Wichita Falls as judge of the 89th District Court of Wichita County.
Governor Abbott Appoints Cobos To The Veterans Land Board
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the appointment of Andrew Cobos of Houston to the Veterans Land Board, an organization within the Texas General Land Office, which oversees six programs that provide benefits and services for Texas veterans, military members and their families. Mr. Cobos will replace Alan Sandersen.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Matson To Executive Council Of Physical Therapy And Occupational Therapy
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the reappointment of Arthur Roger Matson of Georgetown to the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners Board, an organization charged with protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Texas.
Governor Abbott Designates Ryan Sitton To Interstate Mining Compact Commission
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the designation of Ryan Sitton to serve as a designee to the Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC) for a term to expire at the pleasure of the Governor. The IMCC is a multi-state governmental organization representing natural resource and environmental protection interests with the purpose of advancing protection and restoration of land, water and other resources affected by the mining industry.
Governor Abbott Appoints Christi Craddick To Southern States Energy Board
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the appointment of Christi Craddick to serve as his designee to the Southern States Energy Board for a term to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Re-Designates Leisure And Hogsett To Land And Water Conservation Fund
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the re-designation of Brent Leisure as State Liaison Officer and Tim Hogsett as Alternate State Liaison Officer to the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) for a term to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Tonya Baer To The Office Of Public Utility Counsel
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the reappointment of Tonya Baer to the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) for a term to expire February 1, 2017.